Here are some tips on how to brand yourself and build your fan base.
Identify The Image You Want To Create
The image that a rapper usually wants to create for himself/herself is different from that of a boy band or an indie-rock group. By identifying the image you want to create, you are more in control of how you’re perceived by the public.

Research, Research, Research
What artists branded themselves the way you want to be branded? If you want to emulate Drake’s soulful vibe, attribute that to his sentimental lyrics. Find examples of what to do and what not to do, depending on how you want to be viewed by the public eye.
Networking Is Important
As an up-and-coming musician, people aren’t going to be begging you to play for them. Part of your brand is who you choose to associate with. Become familiar with venues where you want to play. Reach out to other musicians and groups that share your values and goals – both as a musician and as a person. By affiliating yourself within the right people, you can help take your career to the next level.

Be Cautious On Social Media.
Be careful of what you post on your social media. Once you start building a fan base, you are within the scope of the public eye. Part of branding is not only deciding how you want to identify yourself, but also how you don’t want to identify yourself. Think about what you are going to post before uploading it on your social media.
Ultimately, your brand defines who you are as a musician. The image you want to create is completely up to you. While you should carefully approach branding, remember that this is an opportunity for you to have fun and to show your audience who you are!

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